
Change of Venue

Ok, so from now on I won't be updating this blog anymore. Please refer to www.danielmeza.tumblr.com
for more of Daniel's fotos and stories.
Thank you!



Science Experiment: What will Schwoops do if you don't break up his canned food?

Lick it until it's gone. No chewing necessary.


The Police Are Fucking Up

So i was on my way to Henry's and then i saw a flash of red and blue lights. Lo and behold, a car accident involving a police car an another vehicle flipped on it's side. The police asked me who I was shooting for and i told them that i worked for the Daily Aztec. He just frowned. (i think he thought i was lying.)


Pinhole in PB

So i cruised around Pb on my bike armed with only my camera and the body cap that i cleverly poked a hole in. The results? Digital pinhole photography of course!

Hospitals at noon

My bike chained

A Lamborghini in a showroom

Birds perched at the beach


More birds, except these ones were hungry

The rollercoaster

Merry Go Round



Life is good


These are my friends + random asian lady at the bus stop


Rolo (after his boxing match with Lee)


And like I promised, random asian lady at Old Town. (Look how focused she is)

Sorry Dude

So I had to do a photo shoot for the Aztec and it was to be people at a party hooking up or whatever it is that frat boys and whorority girls do. So Zaq took me to this party and i found a girl who was willing to fake the shoot. After getting a bunch of people together, she offered to do the shoot in a back room of the house. Great! I thought, and we went along with it. After the shoot, the guy and girl were still rolling around on the bed and this guy in the blue comes in and yells "what are you guys doing in my room!" He sits down on the bed and makes this face. Luckily, my drunken fingers snap the shutter and now i'm the lucky owner of the world's best frown!!!!!!!



Today we went out to surf at Black's Beach and the call was supposed to be pretty big. I brought out my Doc and let Lee ride my Rusty which i won in a raffle two years ago from the best radio station ever, FM 94/9. (Shameless)

We paddled out and sat in the lineup for a while, Dave and i were chatting as we saw Lee struggling to paddle out through the bigger sets. A big wave starts to swell up and everyone starts paddling for the peak. I stay seated and watch to see if there's another wave coming.

A perfect peak forms a fifty feet ahead and there's no one to battle with. Just me and the wave......perfect.

I paddle hard and drop in on a pretty steep face headed right. (I'm regular footed by the way). I make a bottom turn and start to head up the face to turn. Instead, it pitches hard and barrels right over me and closes out. I immediately get thrown into the spin cycle and gasp to make up to the surface. I get on my board with the biggest smile and start to paddle back out and duck dive a few waves. I see Lee in the whitewash and he's yelling my name. Then, i see my baby.

The emotional feelings that i went through could probably be best illustrated with the effects of cocaine on an average user. An extreme high that lasts for a short duration until the crash sets in. Needless to say, the average coke head goes out and buys more coke when this happens. With this in mind, i decided to paddle back out and get one more.



I recently re-watched a famous police video where someone steals a tank from an armory in San Diego. I went there the other night and took a photo of the tank that sits outside.


Black & White

This weekend I hung out with Leonard & Bri. Bri was dog sitting.

Then i asked Leonard for a portrait. He said no.

Habíamos visitado a nuestra abuela. Ella tiene mucho corazón.
Mi padre y su mamá.

While driving home from Hawthorne, we were stopped at a light and i saw this.

Mark who lives in Lakewood,
Your mom loves you very much.


Princess and Pirate Party

Adam, Katie and Melissa held party at their place in OB. Most of the pictures of the girls either turned out really bad or are too unflattering that i may get punched later. Either way, here's Adam.

And Brass Rail Murray

Bonus Photo:
